“AI is the future,” they said, and it’s becoming more and more accurate within the past decade and even more so with the introduction of self-driving cars. The popularity and interest piqued in AI has been steady growth, and most of its various developments remained under the radar until a breakthrough. Interest by the everyday person is limited to being sceptical of AI development or excited about its potential.

AI has already slowly been integrated on a minor level into schools, the medical field, and even law enforcement by using dash cam with night vision but mainly face recognition and behaviour pattern recognition. Recently AI has been gaining traction again, first for its ridiculous and sometimes comical story-telling writing and now because of AI art. Both received negative reviews from the public, but for different reasons. Due to being in its early stages, the program is still learning ways to almost perfectly imitate human-like logic and reasoning.

Here are seven ways AI will completely change the way we live:

1-AI In Transportation Is Already Here

Leading the list and probably the most prominent way AI has already integrated into our lives is through transportation. It has become the fastest and most widely accepted transition from human-driven to AI-driven vehicles.

With all the positive results from self-driving cars, and driverless trains already being implemented in Europe, it’s not difficult to imagine uber services and delivery drones at your service with a touch of a button. Of course, the option to drive or set it to autopilot depends on you. Data on good driving patterns and safety measures, such as advanced motion detectors and mapping, is still being collected. Many trials have already been conducted, and the growing number of self-driving cars proves how this technology has already taken over the roads.

2-They’ll Can Already Be Found In The Palm Of Your Hands-

-As your smartphones, laptops, tablets, digital home assistant and even smartwatches. Most, if not all, digital devices have some traces of AI sprinkled into our lives already, and you might not even realize it. Using any smart device helps train AI to work more efficiently towards serving us. From the things we like on social media, our purchases and even our everyday movement routine. These smart devices collect data, which personalises and predicts, sends you or assists you better according to the data it gathers over time.


Following up with digital footprint and data collection, cybersecurity has already implemented a lot of AI technology to better safeguard our data from hackers and people who want to destroy or take advantage of the data we have on our devices. AI implemented into anti-virus programs is the only way people can combat and scan for security breaches from hackers and malicious 3rd party programs. The AI learns patterns in data and in the digital makeup of a program to determine whether it is harmful or not. Preventing and safeguarding from hackers, viruses, and even identity theft.

4- AI in Medicine

Highly personalized and tailored medicinal diagnosis and treatment have already started but at a slightly slower rate. AI on the frontline, with in-person monitoring, when it comes to diet plans, treatments, inherited illnesses, procedures, and diagnosis at low costs associated with a low chance of failure, is the aim of AI in medicine. However, there has been little luck in finding a balance between the amount of information required and the infringement of privacy AI would be allowed.

5- Education

AI implemented into our education system will be able to learn an individual’s preferences and develop an effective method of teaching for that individual. What’s so special about AI in education is how it will tailor specifically to the student’s abilities and create a plan that may not suit any other individual. It will help individuals get a high-quality education and retain information better.

6- Entertainment

In about a decade, the most visually impactful integration of AI will be in the entertainment industry. From video games to movies, the amount of immersion, interaction and engagement is something we thought we’d only see in movies. VR system gameplay is presumed to be more realistic and much more interactive than it already is. Whereas AI scriptwriting will get to the point where movies won’t ever flop.

7-Daily Tasks

Yup, just like your home assistant, your home will be integrated with AI technology to help you stay healthy. The fridge being able to buy and order the ingredients you need to cook your meals and have them delivered to your doorstep by a drone in no time at all. We already have the rumba for cleaning, and a more advanced version that cleans countertops and dusts the house is to come. Physical and repetitive work like chores and meals are perfect for an AI because it’s simple and easy to learn.


With so much potential yet to be seen and so much AI has already done, the future of AI being part of our everyday life may be a ‘difficult pill to swallow’ for some. Still, regardless we are bound to see more of it, especially in the future, as it manages to help us push the bounds of what we thought possible.